DLIMI is now Signum


Plan your
market entry wisely

Confidently enter new markets

Save time and avoid missteps. Know your market before you enter it.

A proactive approach to understanding the Nordic markets’ strict rules and regulations, will give you the knowledge you need to successfully sell pharmaceutical products in the region.

This is especially relevant for those who have a medicinal product that has been authorized for the European market and now must apply for national authorization to one of the Nordic markets.

Driven by government procurement

Most of the medicinal products used in Danish hospitals are tax-supported and procured publicly. This makes them subject to public tender rules and a so-called “on-off market”.

We offer guidance on how to approach the market, including:

  • The ”dos” and “don’ts” of meeting with the medical committee. This includes presentations that highlight the unique circumstances of Danish society.
  • How to speak with the Danish Medicines Council (Medicinrådet), the procurement service (Amgros), formularies in the five Danish regions (the payers), and clinics.
  • Assessment of the barriers that you need to consider before entering the market.

In an on/off-market like Denmark, it is important to play by market rules. If you miss a meeting in the Medical Committee or you file your documentation too late, your only option is to try again another time. By knowing this information in advance, you can better position yourself for success in the market.

Overview • strategy timing

Enter the market prepared


Enter at the right time. Proactively address potential barriers. Focus your efforts on areas that matter

Process overview

Overview of bidding processes. Knowledge of format requirements. Awareness of important deadlines

Strategy based on insights

Present relevant information at the right time. Avoid unnecessary mistakes. Base your strategy on insights and knowledge

For more information, please contact

Mikael Bergholdt Asmussen, employee at Signum, Chief Advisor Team Lead Market Access

Mikael Bergholdt Asmussen

Chief Advisor, Team Lead Market Access


+45 60 933 338