DLIMI is now Signum


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Need crystal clear examples of what we give you?

Below, you find cases that document what other companies have gained from collaborating with us.

If the cases don’t quite match your challenge, get in touch and we will tailor-make a solution for your organisation.


Bringing a new treatment to HCPs and patients

Our client, a Global Biopharmaceutical Company, launched a pioneering medical treatment for a hereditary heart condition. We helped them build a position in an emerging treatment landscape.


Launching companion diagnostics in the Nordics

Gastric cancer diagnostics, four distinct healthcare systems, and a labyrinth of reimbursement policies – these were the elements of a complex equation we were tasked to solve.

Søren talking to a customer on the phone at Signum's office


Nordic Launch: A Data-Driven Approach to Market Entry

When a global pharmaceutical company decided to establish a presence in the Nordic countries, it faced a complex challenge. The company needed a strategic partner to guide its entry and ensure a strong start for its portfolio of treatments.


Introducing Rare Disease Gene Therapy in Denmark

“How do you introduce a multi-million kroner treatment when there are only a handful of patients?” This question, posed by our client, a global pharmaceutical company, encapsulates the paradox of rare disease therapies in modern healthcare systems.

Jonas working on a sales project on his computer at Signum's office

Registry study, research, insulin treatment of Type 1 and 2 diabetics


Securing market access for a breakthrough vaccine

When a cutting-edge vaccine meets the intricacies of Nordic healthcare systems, even industry giants can find themselves searching for direction. Such was the case for our client, a biotech powerhouse with a promising candidate in late-stage trials.


Building a commercially viable model for digital health

To enable Medice to build the business case for a new health app in Scandinavia, we combined market, HCP, payer, and patient perspectives and demonstrated opportunities in this immature market.

Mikael participates in a Market Acceess meeting

Mette and Sille at market access meeting


Plan your product launch

We are moving away from the traditional 1:1 interaction with healthcare professionals towards a different kind of sales interaction. To form the best basis for a successful dialogue, you need to understand the challenges each HCP is facing and which topics are relevant to discuss.


Predict trends in pharma’s future workforce

We know the saying “Culture eats strategy for breakfast!” Nowhere is this truer when preparing for future markets. Novartis came to us with a strategic challenge: “What should our commercial organization look like in the future?”

Caroline talks to a customer on the phone about a real-world evidence project

Jeppe at an advanced market research meeting


Stakeholder targeting

Through Key Opinion Leader Mapping, we identified 135 publications (since 2000) by several different KOLs. We provided a profile of each KOL to help our client strengthen their partnerships with them.


Pharmacy segmentation

Reckitt Benckiser consultants use the insights produced by the analysis to focus on the right customers at the right time. Segmentation results also allow the consultants to focus their conversations on the potential of a specific product when meeting with individual pharmacies.

Maja at signum office

Christine working on a Real-World Evidence project at Signum’s office


Using RWD to map ADHD-patients

In this analysis we used patient data to uncover trends in medical treatment for ADHD-patients in Denmark as well as development in patient number and how they differs within gender and age. These insights are valuable for both practitioners and policymakers when planning and customizing future treatment strategies.


Product launch based on deep insights

In this qualitative study we helped AMGEN deep dive into standard-of-care and awareness among HCPs. Based on these insights we developed clear recommendations for AMGEN on how to create a strong and engaging launch of their new product.

Jonas and Søren working on a sales project at Signum's office

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