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Real world data study of ADHD-patients in Denmark


ADHD is a lifelong disease that requires medical treatment. As medical treatment of ADHD is initiated by specialists, insight into the patient population is important knowledge for these professionals. Practitioners, policymakers and other professionals within the area may also benefit from these insights when planning and customizing future treatment strategies for patients with ADHD.

On behalf of Medice Nordic Denmark ApS, Signum conducted a real-world data (RWD) analysis of the trends in the medical treatment for ADHD. The purpose of the analysis was to map the development and characteristics of the patient population receiving medical treatment for ADHD between 2007-2018.


This descriptive analysis was based on patient data from the Danish National Prescription Registry (DNPR). Using socio demographic variables like age and gender we looked at the development in patient number. Information on how ADHD differs within gender and age groups is relevant for authorities and prescribers as this presents information on how the patient population treated for ADHD looks like – and indicate whether treatment guidelines are being followed by prescribers.

The result

By using patient data, we provide insights into treatment strategies. Patient data can support customized treatment strategies as well as prevention policies by ensuring access to relevant treatment. Furthermore, an increasing use of patient data in treatment strategies can be a key-factor in planning and ensuring the optimal utilization of resources. The use of patient data can potentially ensure access to relevant treatment and ultimately assist patients to live healthier lives.

The benefit of Real World Data

Working with real-world data tends to bring people together. It brings you closer to your market and an understanding of the impact your treatment has in real life situations.

For more information, please contact

Andreas Bentsen, employee at Signum, Chief Advisor Team Lead Real World Evidence

Andreas Høiberg Bentsen

Chief Advisor, Team Lead Real World Evidence


+45 40 389 954