DLIMI is now Signum


Building a commercially viable
model for digital health

To enable Medice to build the business case for a new health app in Scandinavia, we combined market, HCP, payer, and patient perspectives and demonstrated opportunities in this immature market.


How do you best launch a health app in markets with no established reimbursement structure for digital?

  • With an app for patients almost ready for launch, Medice partnered with Signum to explore opportunities in the Scandinavian markets.
  • To build a strong business case and go-to-market strategy for the app, Medice needed to understand the intricacies of the Scandinavian markets, e.g. payer perspectives on digital technologies, market maturity, and the potential value to both end-users and HCPs.


We designed a three-step process that combined market, HCP, payer, and end-user perspectives and let us build on the opportunities emerging from each step:

  • We researched political and commercial maturity of DK, NO, and SE to show which market offered the best conditions.
  • We interviewed HCPs and payers to answer key questions on how to go to market, e.g., who to potentially partner with.
  • We tested the app and its benefits with end-users to understand its value to patients and development opportunities.


The collaboration enabled Medice to develop a robust and well-informed business case and go-to-market strategy by providing insight and direction on key questions including:

  • Choosing where to start.
  • Weighing potential partners against each other, including public-sector versus private-sector.
  • Showing what the value of the digital solution is to different stakeholders.
Understanding the key stakeholders means Medice can now make informed decisions on how to bring their app to markets with no reimbursement for digital health. This gives direction and eliminates much of the risk of this difficult launch.

For more information,
please contact

Søren Esben Hansen

Chief Advisor, Team Lead Advanced Market Research


+45 20 570 670