Public Health Tool Services > Sales performance data > Public health tool Know where public need for your treatment is Public Health Tool gives you a clear and detailed picture of your patient population on municipality level and where the public need for treatment is. We have structured public health metrics to give you a better understanding of the public health status, that HCPs are faced with, when they treat patients. Based on the selected predefined public health metrics (e.g., BMI, smoking habits, life-expectancy + many more) you can compare local patient population to municipality average. Use the tool to get an overview of municipalities with higher/lower values on public health metrics than national average and identify unrealized patient potential to plan field force activities. Build your “Public Health Indicator” Public Health Tool is available in your Pharmaview Sense platform. We customize a dashboard based on your market data, patient population and pre-defined public health metrics (usually up to 10 but additional up to 40 different metrics can be added). With a few clicks you get an overview of the number of patients per municipality and can identify municipalities with high/low concentration of patients. Compare local patient population to municipality average, prioritize municipalities according to your selected public health metrics and their relevance for your patient population. Prioritize • Adapt messaging Uncover potential with public health measures learn more or book a demo Identify public health measures Determine which factors a relevant for your patient populaiton and analyze correlations between these factors Analyze and uncover new potential Identify areas with high no. of patients and prioritize areas according to potential (patients) and relevance (public health) Adapt messaging Be able to ensure internal alignment of ‘go-to-market’ between sales, marketing, and field market access and increase sales force effectiveness Municipality market data Know your treatment impact Improve sales force effectiveness Combine Public Health Tool with our comprehensive municipality market data and get valuable insights for your brand- and sales planning. Identify the core story of your product and brand and translate medical treatment into public health value. Then you can adapt your messaging to suit the needs for each individual HCP and thereby improve sales force effectiveness. Learn about municipality market data For more information, please contact Søren Esben Hansen Chief Advisor, Team Lead Advanced Market Research +45 20 570 670