Join Signum Morning Briefing 27 March: Discover how RWE drives better outcomes for safety and regulatory demands


Nordic Sales Data

We provide you with consolidated Nordic pharma market insights

As similar as the Nordics countries may be in many respects, regulations in the individual markets differ widely.
This affects sales and market dynamics in the life sciences.

Are you active in more than one of the Nordic pharmaceutical markets?

We give you a gateway to consolidated and ready-to-use pharmaceutical sales data for Finland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden. These insights into the unique characteristics of the Nordic countries put you in lead when optimizing your market position.

Map of the Nordic countries

Nordic pharma insights

Get instant insight into the nordic market

Get monthly updated data from our Nordic Pharma Insights database. This will give you detailed product information as well as provide you with a clear overview of competitors. We also deliver data at brick level. With the right measures and operational segments/sectors you can monitor your sales.

Reach further

Understand the Baltic market

As of March 2024, Signum offers you access to data for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Nordics. That means you now have access to a more complete and valuable service, which allows you to compare and analyze your sales data across these regions, gaining deeper insights into your markets and competitors.

You can expect the same high quality and reliability of data and support as you’re used to for the Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish data.

The Baltic data is brought to you based on our strong collaboration with Nordic Pharma Insights and Softdent.

Map of the nordic countries and the Baltics.

A strong partnership for your benefit

We partner with data providers of national pharmaceutic sales data in the other Nordic countries. This strong partnership, Nordic Pharma Insights, is your gateway to valid and consolidated data across the Nordics.

What we deliver

Performance Management

Our solutions provide the insight and overview of your markets at the depth you need, when you need it.

Market Access

Market entry preparation is critical to your success. The Nordic region is a highly regulated and tax paid on/off market.

Advanced Market research

Good market research starts with asking the right questions, and Signum will help you to dig deep for answers.

Real-World Evidence

The launch of your new medical product doesn’t mark an end to your work – it’s just the beginning.

Are you active in more than one of the Nordic markets? Then consider getting sales data from the Nordic Pharma Insights database.
Call us to hear about your options.

For more information, please contact

Victor Viklund, employee at Signum, Nordic Engagement Lead

Victor Viklund

Nordic Engagement Lead

+46(0)733 16 19 26