Join Signum Morning Briefing 27 March: Discover how RWE drives better outcomes for safety and regulatory demands


Indication insights

Open “the black box” of medicine use

Learn how your pharmaceutical product is used in the real-world with Indication Insights, a comprehensive knowledge base for pharmaceutical sales representatives. By combining sales data with data from the National Patient Register, you get a valuable overview via a dashboard of where and how your products are used on hospital patients.

Meet healthcare professionals at eye level

Indication Insights gives you a broader understanding of your patient groups and their use of your pharmaceutical products, so you can feel knowledgeable and confident when you engage with hospital healthcare professionals (HCPs).

Where knowledge equals power

Indication Insights gives you the know-how you need to have qualified conversations with hospital healthcare providers. With information on how your product is used, you can plan strategically and show providers that you understand their patient and hospital needs.

Open “the black box”

Arm yourself with knowledge for…

How your products are used

Which products are used to treat specific diagnoses in Denmark

Insights on patient groups

How many patients use the product, broken down by hospital and indication. How patients are diagnosed regionally

Improved internal reporting

More strategic planning processes and improved internal reporting

For more information, please contact

Jonas Arentz Bach

Team Lead Sales, Senior Consultant

+45 40 417 546