Join Signum Morning Briefing 27 March: Discover how RWE drives better outcomes for safety and regulatory demands


Real-World Evidence

Document your treatment impact

The launch of your new medical product doesn’t mark an end to your work – it’s just the beginning.

It’s important to document the impact of your medical treatment in the post-marketing phase with real-world evidence. This data is available and often requested by patients, health care practitioners (HCP) and payers.

What is ‘real-world evidence’?

Just like documentation in the research and development process is crucial in the receipt of medical products, the real-world data from practical use of the product is important to determine the future use of this and similar products in the market. Real-world evidence (RWE) is a term for gathering this practical data from the real world (RWD).

Why is ‘real-world evidence’ important?

Real-world evidence is becoming increasingly important to companies in the pharmaceutical industry. Real-world evidence integrates data from multiple sources across multiple study cases. This real-world data is very important to stakeholders, HCP’s and patients in order to believe in and trust the product. By analyzing real-world evidence effectively, you can react to real-world data much more rapidly which makes your level of control over the market higher. Signum consultants can help you use relevant data and appropriate methodologies to see the impact and plan your next step.

Working with real-world evidence is a challenge. Organizations must work as a team and overcome the traditional barrier between medical and market access. But exploring treatment impact can also be an opportunity to sharpen your focus and target new audiences who can benefit from your product. It will also help you meet the expectations of public authorities.

Charting the future for Nordic pharma

Forward Thinkers Review 2.0

Want to know what it takes to grow in the Nordic pharma industry over the next 3-5 years?

Woman explains life science results on the whiteboard

Real-world risk/benefit

Provide the knowledge authorities request

Real-world can involve professionals across the organization and introduce new ways of working. They also take up a lot of resources. Plan your studies wisely to see your efforts pay off.

Real-world evidence workshop

Your journey towards real-world excellence

Working with real-world evidence tends to bring people together. It brings you closer to your market and an understanding of the impact your treatment has in real-life situations.

Colleagues having a brainstorm/workshop

Mads Obi Bergsten, employee at Signum, Product and Portfolio Manager
“We analyze the dynamics behind the market, which leads to insights based on the patient treatment reality – insights that are valuable not only to you, but to patients, HCPs and payers.”

Mads Obi Bergsten

Product and Portfolio Manager

For more information, please contact

Andreas Bentsen, employee at Signum, Chief Advisor Team Lead Real World Evidence

Andreas Høiberg Bentsen

Head of Real-World Evidence

+45 40 389 954

Clear examples of what we can help you with

Male pharmacist picking prescription medication in a drug store

RWE study reveals sustained efficacy of diabetes treatment

This peer-reviewed RWE study on the efficacy of diabetes treatment reveals sustained blood sugar reductions and actionable insights for improving adherence.

Colleagues analyzing data in a meeting

Improving ADHD treatment strategies with real-world data

Learn how real-world data improves ADHD treatment strategies by offering insights into patient demographics, trends, and resource optimization.

Girl receiving a vaccine at the doctors

Forecasting trends to drive vaccination uptake in Denmark

Learn how real-world evidence improved vaccination uptake in Denmark, helped address disparities in the private market, and supported strategic planning.